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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Breinholt, Asta, and Dalton Conley. 2023. “Child-Driven Parenting: Differential Early Childhood Investment by Offspring Genotype.” Social Forces 102(1):310–29. doi: 10.1093/sf/soac155.

Breinholt, Asta, and Anders Holm. 2020. “Heterogeneous Effects of Less Educated Mothers’ Further Education during Early Childhood on Children’s Educational Performance in Adolescence.” Research on Social Stratification and Mobility, 68:100506.

Breinholt, Asta, and Mads Meier Jæger. 2020. “How does cultural capital affect educational performance: Signals or skills?” British Journal of Sociology, 71:28–46.

Manuscripts in Progress

Breinholt, Asta. “Hidden Patterns of Inequality: The Heterogeneity in Parenting within Educational Groups.”

Breinholt, Asta, Erin Ware, Paula Fomby, and Colter Mitchell. “Do Parents’ Socioeconomic Resources Moderate the Association between Genotype and Cognitive Skills among Children with Diverse Genetic Ancestries?”

Manuscripts in Preparation

Breinholt, Asta, and Paula Fomby. “Affording the Luxury of Negotiation: Primary Caregivers’ Rule Setting for Adolescents”

Ph.D. Dissertation

Breinholt, Asta. 2018. The Role of Parenting in the Intergenerational Transmission of Education. Ph.D. Thesis. ISBN 978-87-7209-127-3. Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen.

Book Chapters

Breinholt, Asta. 2020. “Udsatte familier: Hvad tæller for børns fremtidsudsigter?” [“Disadvantage Families: What Affects Children’s Future?” in Anette Faye Jacobsen & Anne-Dorthe Hestbæk (editors). Børns rettigheder. Udfordringer og Professionskrav [Children’s Rights. Challenges and Professional Requirements]. Akademisk Forlag.

Wahler, Susan, Sandra Buchholz, and Asta Breinholt. 2017. „Childcare arrangements at preschool age and later child outcomes in Denmark: The role of maternal education and type of care” (2017, forthcoming). In Blossfeld, H.-P., Kulic, N., Skopek, J., and Triventi, M. (Eds.), Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An international perspective. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Hjorth-Trolle, Anders, and Asta Breinholt. 2017. “Forældreinvesteringer og social ulighed” [“Parental Investments and Social Inequality”] in Ploug, Niels, (ed.) Social arv og social ulighed [Social Inheritance and Social Inequality](2nd edition). ISBN 978-87-412-6539-1. København: Hans Reitzel.